
Holiday Gift Boxes - A Trip Around the World

Source: McCadam Cheese Co.
It's the gift box for those who like that international flair! The combination of 3 different cheeses, mustard, and crackers makes it easy to please the most sophisticated cheese lover. Serve them the best
McCadam Cheese Co. - Our cheeses are ALL NATURAL

It's the gift box for those who like that international flair! The combination of 3 different cheeses, mustard, and crackers makes it easy to please the most sophisticated cheese lover. Serve them the best!

1 Sharp Cheddar Block (1.5#)
1 Gouda Wheel (7oz.)
1 Brie Wheel (4oz.)
1 Dijon Mustard (8oz.)
1 Cheddar Sesame Thin Crackers (7oz.)

McCadam Cheese Co., 14 Annette St, Heuvelton, NY 13669. Tel: ; Fax: 315-344-7291.