
All Natural Fruit and Vegetable Wash

All Natural Fruit and Vegetable Wash
Fit fruit and vegetable wash is said to safely removes wax, dirt, pesticide, and other residues from fruits and vegetables leaving no aftertaste or aftersmell, and without rinsing away a significant amount of vitamins or minerals
N/And vegetable wash is said to safely removes wax, dirt, pesticide, and other residues from fruits and vegetables leaving no aftertaste or aftersmell, and without rinsing away a significant amount of vitamins or minerals.

Because some pesticide residues are non-water-soluble so that rain doesn't wash them away, water alone can't remove all pesticide residues from produce. However, according to the manufacturer, this product removes dirt and 98% more water-resistant pesticide residue and wax than water alone—using only ingredients from 100% natural sources found in everyday foods. The manufacturer also states that it removes up to three times more chemicals found on produce than water. Ingredients found in this product have been FDA approved for use in foods and are biodegradable.

The wash can be purchased in both spray bottles and soak/refill bottles.

<%=company%>, One Proctor & Gamble Plaza, Cincinnati, OH 45202. Tel: 800-434-8348. Fax: 513-983-8791.